
Our Catchies Family!

At Catchies we LOVE our Ambassadors! 

We choose our Ambassadors based on positivity, catchies engagement, and social media presence! 

At catchies we Train Trendy, Keep it Happy, and Give Back!!! We look for those who live these values and show positive support and encouragement for everyone in the gymnastics community!!

to be eligible:

  • Maintain a social media following of 5K+ on Instagram.
  • Post at least 1-2 quality photos or videos of you featuring/highlighting Catchies at least 3 times/month. 
  • Frequently use our hashtags and tags to our social media @catchiesbands #catchies #catchiesbands #traintrendy #catchiesfamily and also seasonal or wildlife related hashtags 
  • Quality and interesting (fun) content!
  • Maintain a Respectful, positive, fun, appropriate online presence.
  • Must include links to Catchies website and social media accounts on ambassadors profile. 
  • Ambassadors will be reviewed quarterly.
  • Must not represent or promote any other wristbands/direct band competitors. (All other promotions encouraged:) 


  • Catchies will provide new bands 3-6x/year. Exclusive access to new styles before they’re released. Catchies discount codes.
  • Access and information to our wildlife conservation program, results and animal adoptions! 
  • Adopted animal ambassador pals (plush animals representing our animal adoptions and wildlife saving efforts) when we achieve new conservation goals!
  • Being a part of our Catchies Family, and Catchies Trend Team.
  • Catchies will support your social media account growth and promote you as an influencer in the gymnastics and fashion community. 
  • Marketing and public relations experience.
  • Catchies is 100% NCAA compliant. Minors receive no monetary compensation or financial exchanges in order to maintain their amateur athlete status!


 If you are interested in becoming an ambassador, please email:  with the subject :Ambassador

 In that email please state which qualifications you have, links to your social media and WHY you want to be a part of our team. 



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